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Venice Coffee Tour

Venice Coffee Tour

Having a few days in Venice to check the water levels in the coffee and see the sites. Shop closed until 22nd March

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India Tour - Store Closed

India Tour - Store Closed

We are going to research new coffees in India from 3rd February until 12th February. No coffee will be roasted or dispatched from the roastery during that period

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Coffee Improve Energy Levels

Coffee Improve Energy Levels

Coffee is good for you Coffee can boost up energy levels when we feel worn out. A study has found caffeine to increase brain function which includes memory, mood, reaction times and general cognitive functions. We can provide your daily fix!

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Fellow Roaster Compliment

On recent trip to Scotland dropped off a bag of my 2nd Craic Kaffe with a fellow Artisan Roaster for him to try. How is this for a reference  'Love the 2nd Craic by the way - smooth and robust; sweet and chocolatey too.  Works really well.'

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Artisan Coffee Roaster new on Indoor Market Stall

Artisan Coffee Roaster new on Indoor Market Stall

From Tuesday 2nd August Well Roasted Coffees will be available to buy from a new outlet Market Harborough Indoor Market. It will be interesting to gauge the reaction from the shoppers and other market stall holders. Unfortunately I cannot sell coffee drinks but can give out samples. I will also be demonstrating how to use the Aeropress Coffee Maker.

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