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Guatemala Finca Palo Blanco Coffee


Our speciality Guatemalan SHB EP Coffee is grown in the Huehuetenango region by a single coffee farm, Finca Palo Blanco. The owner Ivan Federico Ovalle Altuve has used his engineering background to enhance the farm's water efficiency and meticulously ensure that only the ripest cherries with optimal sugar content are harvested. This precise approach yields a rich and flavourful coffee, distinguished by its sweet, full-bodied profile with hints of berries and chocolate.

This single origin Arabica coffee gives a classic, clean Central American cup with unique qualities like citrus acidity and a complex combination of fruit and smooth chocolate notes. 

Flavour notes: Hints of Berries and Chocolate

Body: Sweet, full-bodied

Acidity: Citrus

Aroma: Pronounced

Roast: Medium

Certification: Rain Forest Alliance 

Farm: Finca Palo Blanco

Owner: Ivan Federico Ovalle Altuve

Country: Guatemala

Region: Huehuetenango

Sub Region/Town: Aldea Chichinabaj, La Democracia

Altitude: 1,550 to 1,950 m.a.s.l.

Variety: Catuai, Caturra

Harvest months: November - April

Milled Process: Washed

Grading: SHP and EP

Coffee from the Huehuetenango region:
The Huehuetenango region in Guatemala is renowned for producing some of the finest coffees in the world. Located in the highlands of western Guatemala, near the Mexican border, this region benefits from a unique combination of altitude, climate, and rich volcanic soil, which contribute to its exceptional coffee quality.

Huehuetenango's exceptional coffee is a result of its unique geography, dedicated farming practices, and a deep-rooted coffee-growing tradition. Coffee enthusiasts seek out Huehuetenango beans for their bright, complex flavours and rich, satisfying cup. Whether enjoyed black or with milk, this coffee delivers a distinctive and delightful experience, reflecting the care and craftsmanship of its producers.

What does SHB mean?
Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) indicates the altitude at which coffee is cultivated. To qualify as SHB, coffee must be grown at elevations of 1,200 meters (approximately 4,000 feet) or higher above sea level. The elevated altitude and cooler temperatures cause the coffee cherries to mature at a slower pace, resulting in denser, more robust beans.

What does EP mean?
EP stands for "European Preparation." This grading term is used to describe a specific standard of coffee bean sorting and processing. Here’s what EP grading entails:

Defect Removal - EP coffee beans are meticulously sorted to remove defects. This includes both visual defects like chipped, broken, or discolored beans and physical defects such as foreign materials.

Hand-Picked - After initial mechanical sorting, beans undergo a secondary sorting process, often by hand. This ensures only the finest, defect-free beans are included in the final batch. The process may involve removing up to twice the defects allowed in standard preparation.

EP grading ensures a high level of uniformity in size, shape, and colour, which is crucial for consistent roasting and flavour. By eliminating defective beans, EP grading helps preserve the integrity and purity of the coffee's flavour profile. This is especially important for specialty coffee, such as this, where the nuances of taste are highly valued.

Sustainability: All of our coffee beans are traceable directly to the farm and the farmer. Our coffees are either Fairtrade Organic (FTO) or Rain Forest Alliance (RFA) certified, or grown as a collective or cooperative to assure a fair wage, investment in the community and good environmental practice. Our coffee bags are recyclable.

Why buy from us? Our award-winning, ethically sourced coffee is freshly hand roasted to order every week. Our aim is to retain the main characteristics of single origin Arabica beans and to enhance them with delicate roasting. All of our medium roast single origin Arabica coffee is suitable for espresso. Just choose Fine Grind or Whole Bean depending on your coffee machine or brewing method. 

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